Donations are made by HelloAsso (certified)
note: fees are optional
New! You can now do a donation directly on PAYPAL by scanning the following QR code:
Attention! Please indicate "Donation" as detail.
On 2024, May 12, we have:
Received: 5040 euros
Used in tuition fees: 4743 euros
The donations are organized in four formulas :
Free donation (minimum €1)
Monthly donation (minimum €5. A base of €10 being the best option, i.e. the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes or a cinema ticket)
Student' sponsorship, covering the annual fees throughout the whole schooling, the fees can be paid at once or by monthly payment.
NEW: Donation for a third person, with a donation certificate to offer. Choose to receive the certificate after making a donation by providing your personal details.
Material donations (pencils, pens, notebooks, and other school supplies as well as socks, shoes, clothes, etc.) are welcomed. Collections are regularly organized in different locations in France.
We will keep you informed via social networks.
Sending package directly to the association's address is also possible. You can contact us to organize it.